Every Watt

... because they sum up
     to TeraW!

ALL2GaN will be the backbone for the European Power Electronics Industry by offering an EU-born smart GaN Integration toolbox. The project will provide the base for applications with significantly increased material- and energy efficiency, thus meeting the global energy needs while keeping the CO2 footprint to the minimum.

30 %

average loss reduction across the use cases

437 TWh

average loss reduction per year (world­wide)

218 Mt

saved CO2 per year (world­wide)

ALL2GaN will strengthen the European Power Electronics Industry by offering an EU-born smart GaN Integration Toolbox as a base for applications with significantly increased material- and energy efficiency, thus meeting the global energy needs while keeping the CO2 footprint to the minimum.

The highly ambitious KDT project All2GaN consists of 45 partners from 12 European countries that collaborate in a Pan-European innovation network with the focus on performance and reliability of GaN power and RF technologies to meet a substantial higher utilization level covering the full supply chain from substrates to application systems and end users.

Project Facts

  • Name: ALL2GaN – Affordable smart GaN IC solutions for greener applications
  • Duration: May 2023 – April 2026
  • Total Costs: ~ EUR 60 Mio.
  • Total Person Months: 5528
  • Consortium: 45 partners from 12 countries
  • Coordinator: Infineon Technologies Austria AG

ALL2GaN ...

... is a direct response to the European Green Deal challenge and its goals to transform economies to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, without impeding economic growth and by the sustainable use of natural resources.

... will directly contribute to energy saving and cutting-edge green technology innovation as well as to a globally competitive and resilient European industry.

... presents a building stone toward the aim of the European Chip Act to create a European chip ecosystem. ALL2GaN is linking together major European stakeholders. They range from world class research, design, production, and application capabilities for industrial level development aiming to realize the latest advancements. ALL2GaN enables an important step towards European tech sovereignty.

What is ALL2GaN?

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Video editing: CapCut
Text-to-speech: Voicemaker
Background music: Ashamaluev music
Image repository: Colourbox
Creator: Francesco Iannuzzo
© 2024 ALL2GaN

Strengthen the European Power Electronics Industry by offering an EU-born smart GaN Integration Toolbox as a base for applications with significantly increased material- and energy efficiency, thus meeting the global energy needs while keeping the CO2 footprint to the minimum.

Drive collaboration in a Pan-European innovation network with the focus on performance and reliability of GaN power and RF technologies to meet a substantial higher utilization level covering the full supply chain from substrates to application systems and end users.


News from IMEC - January 2025

In the ALL2GaN (Affordable smart GaN IC solutions for greener applications) project, we aim to advance the performance of industrial Gallium Nitride (GaN) devices and system-on-chip technologies operating at 100 V or less. The main component in the fabricated IC’s is p-GaN gate High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) power device. In Fig. 1(a) a X-sectional image of the p-GaN gate architecture of the device is depicted. With an optimization in the device fabrication imec Belgium has significantly reduced forward gate leakage, as shown in Fig. 1(b), comparing a transfer characteristic from the baseline device to the obtained improvement within ALL2GaN. The improvement in the gate characteristic, improves the gate robustness and reliability of the p-GaN gate HEMTs. Furthermore, Fig. 1(c) presents a good OFF-state gate and drain leakage of the fabricated devices. To showcase this technology further, power switches and integrated circuits (ICs) will be packaged and tested as part of the project.



(a)                                                                                                                         (b)                                                                            (c)

Fig. 1. (a) X-section p-GaN gate used in imec’s 100 V power HEMT devices, (b) Transfer characteristics and (c) OFF-state drain and gate current of baseline and improved p-GaN gate HEMTs.


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The ALL2GaN mission is substantiated through the set of eight overall objectives ...

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Use Cases

The ALL2GaN project is a highly ambitious project that will carry out industrial research of affordable and green GaN technologies over a large field of climate challenge and social challenges relevant applications ...

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Work Plan

ALL2GaN is based on a classical work package structure including 7 work packages and 11 use cases. The project covers the entire vertical value chain of GaN power and RF electronics, from technology, integration and packaging, reliability until applications ...

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The ALL2GaN consortium consists of 45 partners from 12 European member states and associated countries constituting a balanced mix of industry and research with complementary skills and expertise ...

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