CE-LAB GmbH is a modern service company for developers and manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment. The core of the company's business activities is the performance of measurements and tests as well as calibration to determine conformity with the applicable set of standards or the device specification.
Company profile
CE-LAB GmbH is an accredited emc test laboratory and performed test according to international and european standards. For EMC tests, CE-LAB GmbH is accredited by DAkkS (D-PL-12133-01-00) and approved as technical service for type approval procedures (e1/E1) by the KBA (KBA-P 00079-06) as a technical service provider. All services are carried out in accordance with a quality management system in accordance with EN/ISO/IEC 17025. For EMC tests, CE-LAB GmbH is accredited by DAkkS (D-PL-12133-01-00) as a technical service for type approval procedures (e1/E1) by the KBA (KBA-P 00079-06) as a technical service provider.
CE-LAB GmbH is an accredited emc test laboratory and performed test according to international and european standards.
Role in the project
As part of the project, the CE-LAB will develop EMC models for the use of GaN power semiconductors. The models are verified by measurements and optimized. With the help of the models, the EMC behavior of the power electronic devices evaluated at a very early stage of development. In doing so, different load conditions and Control variants can be investigated. On the basis of the models Design proposals for optimized EMC filters can be derived. The optimization is intended to performed at module and system level. It's the stresses by the high gradients of voltage and current. The Evaluation should also include reliability and thermal stress. Test setups are used to verify the EMC models.
Key contribution
CE-LAB are going to development of EMC models by analysis of available modeling methods, the specification of technical characteristics, the definition of boundary conditions that meet EMC and reliability requirements and testing of the simulation with comparison to international publications and measurments.
Am Hammergrund 1
98693 Ilmenau