Chemnitzer Werkstoffmechanik GmbH is a small medium-sized company with 14 employees, which was founded in 1990. CWM is a service provider in the field of research and development. The company develops and sells optical measurement systems based on digital image and volume correlation.
Company profile
The company's core competencies are strain and deformation analysis using digital image (DIC ) and volume correlation (DVC) and the development of software and hardware solutions. The developed software is sold under the product name VEDDAC and the measurement systems under the product name microDAC®. The measuring systems can be used for the determination of material data, which are used as input parameters for numerical simulations, as well as for validation experiments, e.g. thermo-mechanical analyses and reliability tests. CWM offers research and development services for large enterprises and SMEs in the field of optical strain and deformation analysis and provides digital image correlation-based hardware and software for experimental deformation analysis of nano- and micro-engineered components and assemblies under various loads to simulate e.g. harsh environmental conditions.
In addition, the company's field of activity includes micro deformation studies, vibration analysis and thermo-mechanical testing of (micro-) material parameters, as well as verification of material laws. These studies can be used to simulate harsh environmental conditions and their effects on real devices, assemblies and components. In particular, CWM has developed and implemented new digital image correlation (DIC) algorithms in software (e.g., VEDDAC) and hardware solutions for improved 2D and 3D deformation analysis (especially in computed tomography volume images) needed for material characterization and thermomechanical reliability assessment.
CWM offers research and development services for large enterprises and SMEs in the field of optical strain and deformation analysis.
Role in the project
CWM contributes significantly in the field of reliability and robustness assurance to the corresponding objectives of the All2GaN project. Research into the design of a software-based tool for the calibration and validation of thermo-mechanical FEM simulations compared with experimental results for deformation analysis will provide manufacturers and users with a viable tool for ensuring the reliability of novel GaN components.
CWM will research a methodology for its use in analyzing the reliability properties of typical GaN components and apply it in the project for developments by the manufacturing partners. There will be particularly close coordination with FhG ENAS in the area of close matching of simulative and experimental results. Industrial partners are to be closely involved in order to define the needs of industry and to be able to satisfy their demand for corresponding reliability-related information.
CWM will qualify and expand its own technologies for image processing-supported deformation analysis on electronic interconnects to solve problems in the project-specific field of application. Particular attention will be paid to the area of high working temperatures, which has not yet been investigated by measurement. The project partners will be provided with urgently needed data (material parameters, compound parameters, defect signatures) through DIC or DVC measurements for their design for reliability.
Key contribution
The project partners will be provided urgently needed data (material parameters, compound parameters, defect signatures) using DIC or DVC measurements for their design for reliability and develop a software tool for the calibration of FEM simulations.
Werkstoffmechanik GmbH
Stadlerstraße 14a
09126 Chemnitz