Blue World Technologies ApS

Blue World Technologies is an ambitious and visionary cell manufacturer providing methanol fuel cell components and systems as a green alternative to combustion engines and diesel generators for hard-to-abate sectors such as the maritime industry and heavy-duty transportation.

Company profile

Blue World Technologies is an ambitious and visionary developer and manufacturer of HT-PEM fuel cell components and systems for stationary applications, on- and off-road applications, and the maritime industry. The fuel cells act as a green alternative to combustion engines and diesel generators. As a part of the Power-to-X eco-system the methanol fuel cell technology contributes to solving parts of the green transition that cannot be solved by direct electrification and battery technology alone.

Blue World Technologies’ fuel cells run primarily on methanol – a renewable liquid fuel that simply and cost-effectively can be stored for years and transported around the world while reusing existing infrastructure.

Blue World Technologies is founded on extensive experience from the fuel cell industry and aims towards commercialising the technology through large-scale production. The company is focused on the High-Temperature PEM technology combined with methanol-reforming. The combination ensures a simple system design with high conversion efficiency and significant benefits including CO2 reduction, fuel cost savings, and reduced emissions.

Blue World Technologies is an ambitious and visionary developer and manufacturer of HT-PEM fuel cell components and systems for stationary applications, on- and off-road applications, and the maritime industry.

Role in the project

Blue World Technologies is part of WP6 and WP7 with focus on testing GaN applications in different methanol fuel cell products.

Key contribution

Blue World Technologies’ main contribution is in WP6, where its technical expertise will be provided in meetings and workshops as well as working with technical partners to evaluate GaN products against its fuel cell systems.  

Blue World Technologies ApS

Langerak 15A
9220, Aalborg Øst, Denmark


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